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The Official Newsletter of the
Shenandoah Valley Chapter #313
Korean War Veterans Association
Lewis M. Ewing, Editor
February 2016

President Kennedy attending this ceremony plus many other dignitaries.

    In the early 60s construction in the Washington area was at its heyday with no end in sight. I decided to leave government and joined a newly formed construction firm of Gilles & Cotting, Inc. in Falls Church. My 26 years with G & C were great years that led me to some very interesting projects. Namely, the Lebanese Pavilion at the New York World's Fair, the White House during the Nixon years, the Crisis Center for Casper Weinberg at the Pentagon, an Air Force Hanger at Andrews AFB, a renovation to the Longworth House, Senate Office Building not to mention other jobs at the CIA, NIH, Library of Congress, U. S. Navy Yard, and projects at Georgetown, GW and American Universities and both the Washington National (Ronald Reagan) and Dulles airports. One of the jobs at the National Airport for United Airlines, I worked with an architect, Kent Cooper, (a former associate of Eeor Saarinen who designed the Dulles Terminal and the St. Louis Gateway Arch). Kent Cooper was later picked to design the Korean War Memorial in D.C. in 1977. I was presented the prestigious "Stubby" Award by the D.C. Metropolitan Subcontractors Association (MSA) at its 12th Annual banquet held at the Washington Hilton Hotel as an "Outstanding Job Superintendent".

    After Gilles & Cotting's retirement, I continued working for other general contractors until retirement at 62 due to a back operation. After six months of boredom, I went back to work for FEMA for seven more years. My wife, Lea and I live happily in our log house in Frederick County with our three dogs and two cats.

    (Editors note: We are indeed fortunate to have Charles Hoak as a member of our Chapter. He is always ready to assist with anything that needs to be done and has served in numerous leadership positions, including Secretary, Treasurer and as 1st Vice Commander. THANKS CHARLES for all you do for us!) - Lew Ewing, Editor


    You will be receiving your January/February issue of The Graybeards magazine shortly and it will contain the Voting Ballot along with the applications submitted by the KWVA members who are candidates for the open Officer and Director positions on the National KWVA Board of Directors. This year's election is a very important one since we will be electing a new President, 1st Vice President, 2nd Vice President plus four Directors who, along with eight carry-over Directors, Executive Director, Secretary and Treasurer will be leading our National KWVA at this critical time in the history of our Association.

    The position of President is uncontested with Tom Stevens as the only candidate. Tom is an experienced and well qualified former Director who is very capable of assuming the Presidency of the KWVA.

    All of the other positions are contested with two candidates for 1st Vice President, two for 2nd Vice President and eight candidates for the four open Director positions.

    We are very fortunate to have so many qualified men to choose from this year. I know the majority of them personally and I will be happy to share my knowledge of them with any of you if you so desire. I would remind you that our Past Commander, Narce Caliva is a candidate for Director as is our good friend in the Hagerstown Chapter, Les Bishop. I would encourage each of you to vote for both of them. However, no matter who you vote for, PLEASE BE SURE TO VOTE!!


REMINDER: The following members KWVA Dues are due on:

    Paul Campbell

    Buck Thompson

    Doug Purnell

    Tony Bencivenga

    John McGuire

    Ray Aston

Feb 28, 2016

Feb 28, 2016

Mar 15, 2016

Mar 16, 2016

Mar 21, 2016

Mar 23, 2016

© 2016-2021 by KWVA - Shenandoah Valley Chapter 313

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