The Official Newsletter of the
Shenandoah Valley Chapter #313
Korean War Veterans Association
"Camaraderie" - a word that defines what all KWVA members seek - is more simply described for most of us as chances to meet with like-minded veterans, to tell our stories, and to feast on a delicious meal. So, where can we find it? Well, beside all of our own KWVA activities, every first Saturday of the month some of us gather for the All Veterans Breakfast at the Golden Corral.
At the last meeting, there was a record turnout - 54 - so many veterans that some spilled out of the room we meet in. Unless there and seated by 8:15am, it's harder to find a seat of your choic. Some from #313 try to sit together, but do scatter throughout the room. This time I was sandwiched between a visiting veteran from Pennsylvania and a huge, impressive guy ("I was U.S. Navy in Afghanistan") who had a mound of food packed about five inches high on a plate before him.
I know he was a first-timer because he had entered the restaurant, paid the cashier, and gotten his food, before proceeding to the meeting room. Several others in the room, all first-timers had done the same.
The thing to do is enter, go down the extreme right (exit) lane, turn right and go to the room at the end of the building. Just inside the door, pay $8.00, which includes the tip, and choose a seat. After a welcome, the pledge and grace, the group has breakfast with time for conversation and seconds. Before I finished my plate, my new friend had demolished his first and was enjoying an equally big second serving.
Then came the self-introductions, some just brief and a few taking advantage to sharing a message. But all the stories were interesting, some very compelling, by veterans from WW II on. We from KWVA are always proud to stand and represent our Chapter.
It's a really good time with others who've answered the call, so why not consider joining those of us who are regulars and enjoy the camaraderie. If you call me, we'll save you a seat but plan to be there at 8:00am!
(Thanks to Narce Caliva for providing this article.)
This beautiful white deer has taken up residence in Lew and Mary Jane Ewing's back yard. She sometimes hangs out near the house, however, she is not tame enough to be petted yet.
After eating an entire bull,
a mountain lion felt so good
he started roaring.
He kept it up until a hunter came along
and shot him.
The moral: When you're full of bull,
keep your mouth shut!