The Official Newsletter of the
Shenandoah Valley Chapter #313
Korean War Veterans Association

Commander Ray Ewing
Greetings again at the beginning of the second month of the new year-already. Tempus Fugit.
For the benefit of those that were not able to be at the last meeting, the Board of
Directors decided to print a pictorial directory of the membership. This directory would include a current picture, an in “service” picture if you have one and a short bio. Short bio means, your branch of service, time of service and your civilian career.The directory will be in a loose leaf booklet form and will also include a history of the Chapter. Charles Hoak has volunteered to head up the project with charter member Steve Culbert working on the history. I believe this will prove very informative and interesting documentation of our chapter. Please do not be too shy to parti-cipate, it must include all members and I hope we have information resources enough to have a deceased members section.
For several reasons I want to draw your attention to how this new year has started off. First to express my appreciation for all those who stepped up to take a position or volunteered to keep a position and to keep you informed as to how hard some are working on our behalf. It may have been difficult filling some of the elected positions but there has been no such problem with committee or coordinator positions. (Continued on Page 5)
Feb 4 "All Veterans" breakfast at the Golden Corral. Be seated by 8:25am.
Feb 7 SVC-KWVA Board of Directors meeting at Macedonia UMC @ 9:00am. Room 201.
Feb 14 Chapter #313 Monthly member meeting @ Post 21 American Legion. Lunch @ 1:00 pm. Meeting @ 2:00 pm
Feb 16 Chapter “Buffett” Dinner 12:00 noon @ Lee-Jackson Restaurant, Winchester, VA.
Bill Jackson February 01,1929
Herbert Taylor February 08,1930
Albert Lazazzera February 23,1931
Kermit Stroh February 25,1933
Kelly J. Banks February 16,2017
Norman L. Baker February 19,2017
Earl V. Gillenwater February 19,2017
Lewis W. Strother February 19,2017
Paul P. Campbell February 28,2017
Raymond H. Goff February 28,2017
Leonard L. Laconia February 28,2017
Herbert B. Taylor February 28,2017
Ollie T. Thompson February 28,2017