The Official Newsletter of the
Shenandoah Valley Chapter #313
Korean War Veterans Association
Volume 14, Issue 08
Paul E. Bombardier, Editor
August, 2021
Groundbreaking for KWVA Wall of Remembrance.
After many years of planning and obtaining approvals from a multitude of governmental and bureaucratic agencies, the construction of the Wall of Remembrance addition to our Korean War Memorial in Washington, D.C. is finally underway. Site work began earlier this year and is currently running ahead of schedule.

On Friday May 21st, 2021, a group of Veterans and other dignitaries, including Republic of Korea President Moon Jai I n, gathered at the site for an official Groundbreaking ceremony.

some 8,000 KATUSA’s who were attached to, and fought alongside U.S. army units and were also killed in combat.

Completion of the Wall is scheduled for July 2022 with the dedication ceremony to be held on July 27th, on the 69th Anniversary of the signing of the Armistice leading to the end of combat during the war. Mark the date now and plan to attend.

Of note, Col. Bill Weber (U.S. Army ret’ d) who has been the driving force behind seeing that the Wall of Remembrance has become a reality. Fittingly enough, Bill also was one of the group participating in the Groundbreaking ceremony.
The Wall of Remembrance will include the names of 36,583 U.S. service men and women who were killed in action during the Korean War along with