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The Official Newsletter of the
Shenandoah Valley Chapter #313
Korean War Veterans Association
Volume 13, Issue 11
Paul E. Bombardier,  Editor
November, 2020
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Christmas Party/Annual Meeting

Plans are rapidly coming together for this year's Christmas Party and our and our Annual Meeting to be held on Tuesday, December 8th, 2020. at the Elks Club here in Winchester. We will gather at 12:30 pm and plan to eat at 1:00 pm with a brief program to follow. In addition to the good food and the great fellowship at the gathering, we will be conducting our Annual Meeting where we will elect and induct our the 2021 officers, recognize our 2020 "Member of the Year" , plus we will conduct any other business to come before the meeting.

     Josh Morimoto is quarterbacking  the planning for this year's program. In order for Josh to be able to give the folks at the Club an accurate accoun-ting of how many meals to prepare, you must let him know if you will attend, and the number of guests you wil have with you, no later than November 24th, and you must pay in advance. The Buffet luncheon will cost $25.00, however, the Chapter will subsidize $10.00 of the cost, so the net cost per attendee will be $15..00  

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per person. You can give your payment  to Josh at our Nov 10th meeting, or mail it to him. Either way, Nov 24th is the deadline.

     As we have done in the past,  we have invited Major Gen. Pyo and Cathy, plus anyone he wishes to bring with him. We are always honored to have our friends from the Embassy with us. This program is always the highlight of our Chapter year, so please plan to attend.

© 2016-2021 by KWVA - Shenandoah Valley Chapter 313

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