The Official Newsletter of the
Shenandoah Valley Chapter #313
Korean War Veterans Association
Volume 14, Issue 05
Paul E. Bombardier, Editor
May, 2021
What a great feeling it was for us to be able to finally get together on April 13th and hold a Membership meeting again following a four-month hiatus. It has been much too long since our December meeting. Also, it was great to see the number of members who attended and especially good to see so many of you in your uniforms. I realize that I am old fashioned, however, I really do believe that being in uniform adds a more professional touch to our meetings. Please keep up the good work!
We want to thank the Board of Directors for approving a “welcome back” gift by having the Chapter pay for our lunches prior to the meeting. The ladies of the Legion always do a good job and we especially want to thank Yousung for
providing her delicious bulgogi. It is always a special treat.
We need to thank Yousung for bringing the three young ladies with her who donated a total of $748.00 to our Chapter that they collected from the sale of the homemade ceramic Christmas ornaments they made. We thank each of them for their kind gesture.
In spite of so many naysayers, the Country is slowly recovering from the COVID virus and, hopefully, things will return to normal and we can get back to participating in all of the events and activities we have been accustomed to taking part in over the years.
Looking forward, please plan to attend our May Membership meeting to be held on Tuesday, May 11th. Please wear your uniforms to the meeting.
I want to again thank all of you for giving me the opportunity to serve a second term as the Commander of what is the very best Chapter in the entire KWVA.
Lewis M. Ewing, Commander