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The Official Newsletter of the
Shenandoah Valley Chapter #313
Korean War Veterans Association
Volume 13, Issue 11
Paul E. Bombardier,  Editor
November, 2020

HQ Battery, and began training in Artillery fire direction control when I received orders to attend airplane mechanic school at San Marcos AFB in Texas from Dec 1951- May 1952. I did not know that the Army had spotter airplanes until then. Returning to my unit after graduation, I was transferred to Air Section to help maintain the units two spotter aircraft at the Camp Polk Airstrip.

     In July, 1952, I was ordered to Camp Bullis, TX for two months of Chemical defense training. The in August 1952, received orders for an all expense paid trip to Korea. My original orders were to be assigned to a KMAG (Korean Military Advisory Group) in Tague, Korea to   work with Korean Military on aircraft maintenance. On arrival at Ascom City replacement depot in Korea,  these orders were rescinded, and I was reassigned to the 159th Field artillery Battalion Air Section based to the North and attached to I Corps Artillery near Yon-Chon.

     The Army Airstrip was designated A-41. It was located four miles behind the active front line. This was my home until the Truce ended hostilities in July 1953. This base was closed and the new Camp St. Barbara was built several miles away. Units were consolidated and excess personnel were assigned to other units. My tour ended in October 1953 and I was back home on Veteran's Day in November, 1953.

     My Military education was priceless, and I remained in Aviation Maintenance for the rest of my working career, including working for Capitol Airlines/United 1956-1962 Piedmont Airlines 1962-1964, Colgan Airways 1964-1984, and with American Beechcraft  in Leesburg until retiring in 1997, after 45 years involved with aircraft.

     Today, Paul lives in Stephens City with his wife Shirley, they enjoyed camping for 50 years up and down the East Coast and Canada.. Shirley and Paul  enjoyed  riding their Honda 550 motorcycle for 10 years and Paul enjoyed private flying for over 15 years.

(Editors note) Paul has been a loyal and dedicated member of our Chapter since he joined us in June 2014 and has served as our secretary and the editor of our newsletter. Thanks, Paul!!.


Outstanding Young Couple
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             Chris and Yousung Largent


The couple pictured above is Chris and Yousung Largent, not Larrick, as I reported in last month's issue of this newsletter. Both are great names, however, their name is Largent. I want to apologize to Yousung and Chris for my error.

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(            (See the answer on page 7.)

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