The Official Newsletter of the
Shenandoah Valley Chapter #313
Korean War Veterans Association
Volume 14, Issue 01
Paul E. Bombardier, Editor
January, 2021
Reaching Out to Veterans in Our Communities
KWVA Chapter 313 Members:
Here are suggestions developed by Rod Yonkers to reach out to our communities and invite Veterans to come to our Saturday Breakfasts and Monthly Meetings. The purpose is to allow them to socialize with members of our Chapter and to encourage them to join our KWVA Chapter 313. We would like those of you that may have ideas to contribute to meet with our Area Social Group Leaders after our Chapter’s Jan 12 Monthly Meeting and help us develop a Strategic Plan to find Veterans who are willing to support our Korean War Veterans in Need.
The following list of ideas for Outreach Opportunities was developed by Rod Yonkers.. Most of these activities are in the Winchester and Martinsburg areas since these are areas where we have our Monthly Breakfasts and KWVA Monthly Meetings. If you need more of the Business Cards we developed to invite Veterans to our Monthly Breakfast, you can pick them up at the next meeting.
Golden Corral – Veterans group meets first Saturday of every month 8:15am.
Local Veterans groups like American Legion etc. Make a brief presentation about the Korean War Vets including the Korean Service Vets. Develop a video presentation on the Korean conflict (Not just the Korean War), including Korean War and Defense Vets, to present at Veterans groups.
Apple Blossom Festival- set up info tent
Apple Blossom Parade
Car Shows- Route 11 South
Memorial Day celebrations
Independence Day celebrations
Where Veterans Gather, e.g. Golden Corral
County Fairs
Veterans services annex/offices- develop a small brochure to advertise KWVA.
Church dinners, Veterans Day celebrations.
Individual Veterans passing out KWVA business cards to friends.
Martinsburg AREA:
VA Med Center: have Vets bring KWVA business cards to appointments to share with any Korean service Vets they see. Invite them to our Saturday Breakfast run by our Martinsburg Area Social Group headed by Andrew Hall and Ronald Wenger.
Bob Evans breakfast. Meetings must remain on a regular time to build a following; i.e.,3rd or 4th Saturday of every month, etc.
Local Veterans groups like American Legion etc. Make a brief presentation about the Korean War Vets including the Korean Service Vets. Develop a video presentation on the Korean conflict (Not just the Korean War), including Korean War and Defense Vets, to present at Veterans groups.
Memorial Day celebrations
Independence Day celebrations
County Fairs Restaurants where Veterans Gather, e.g. Bob Evans Restaurant, and Ole Country Diner
Veterans services annex/offices- develop a small brochure to advertise KWVA.
Church dinners, Veterans Day celebrations.
Individual Veterans passing out KWVA business cards to friends.
You can share your ideas directly with Rod Yonkers, Email: rodt357@gmail.com or send him a text message or leave him a message, Cell: 304-258-1672. Josh Morimoto (703-967-8679) / Doug Hall (703-585-6366)