The Official Newsletter of the
Shenandoah Valley Chapter #313
Korean War Veterans Association
Volume 13, Issue 11
Paul E. Bombardier, Editor
November, 2020
This year is winding down and we've had a lot to deal with concerning the virus. Since June, we've been able to hold our meetings and the attendance has been remarkable. At our October
meeting we had 39 members and 8 guests. The guests were members of the Council of Korean Churches of Greater Washington.
They came, bringing gifts for we Veterans, vests and handkerchiefs which were passed out to those in attendance. If you were not able to attend and want to receive the gifts, let me know at 540-837-2657 or email and I will attempt to see that you receive these gifts or one of the extremely nice mugs that the Korean Embassy sent to us.
Coming up on Veterans Day, November 11th, of is a ceremony at our Korea War Memorial in DC. The ceremony is in recognition of all Veterans, but after the ceremony, plaques will be presented to those Veterans who served in Korea area from June 1950, and July 31, 1953. I submitted the names of 37 of our members who served during that time. If I missed anyone, I apologize. Our bus will leave the tasker Rd Walmart @ 11:00 am. If you would like to go and have not signed up, give me a call. Ceremony is at 2:00 pm and after the ceremony, we will then have dinner at the Mission Barbeque in Gainesville, VA.
Calendar of Events
Nov 1st - Daylight Savings Time ends. Fall Back 1 hour.
Nov 3rd - Chapter 313 BOD meeting 9:00 am @ Macedonia UMC Room 201.
Nov 7th - "ALL" Veterans Breakfast @ Colden Corral, Winchester, VA. 8:15 am.
Nov 10th - Chapter 313 membership meeting at the American Legion Post 21 lunch @ 1:00 pm, Meeting @ 2:00 pm.
Nov 11th - Veterans Day Ceremony
11:00 am. Winchester National Cemetery.
Nov 11th - Veterans Day Ceremony Are Veterans Council Winchester, VA.
10:30 am Omps Funeral Home Rt 522 S.
Nov 11th - Korea War Memorial Ceremony @ 2:00 pm in DC. Bus leaves Walmart Tasker rd. @ 11:00 am.
Nov 21 - Veterans Breakfast @ 8:30 am @ the Golden Corral, Winchester, VA.
Dec 8th - Chapter Annual meeting and Luncheon at the Elks Club, Winchester VA. @ 12:30 pm. Election and installation for 2021 officers after the luncheon.
Christmas Luncheon will be held at the Elks Lodge on Rt 522 South in Winchester, VA on Dec 8th starting at 1:00 pm. The cost is $15.00 per person and must be paid prior to Dec 8th. After the Luncheon, the Chapter's Annual meeting will be held to include the nomination and Election of officers for the coming year 2021. Even if you cannot attend the Luncheon, you are encouraged to come to the meeting @ 2:00 pm to vote. Please keep in mind the this is your Chapter, and we need your continued support.
David E. Clark, Commander