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The Official Newsletter of the
Shenandoah Valley Chapter #313
Korean War Veterans Association
Volume 14, Issue 04
Paul E. Bombardier,  Editor
April, 2021
Message From Board member Narce Caliva and Commander Lew Ewing.

Information about a probable increase in KWVA annual dues: 


     KWVA is considering a raise in annual dues this year to around $35, while other major veterans organizations charge even more than that and send a magazine only quarterly, instead of the six outstanding Graybeards we receive. 

     There hasn't been an increase in KWVA dues for over ten years and Chapter #313 has never had dues. 

You can save money by renewing early at the current $25 for your next year and save even more, if you wish, by also renewing, pre-paying, for the following year, according to the National Membership Office. 

     That would be $50.  But, if you're 80 years or older, you can get a Life Membership for only $75. which will be the cost of  about two years’ worth of renewing annually. 

Renew now, early, and you're set for life. If you haven't reached age 80 yet, do the math, too -- and you may find it will save you money in the long run to renew with a Life Membership.  

The National Board meets in May and dues are on the Agenda, so, if interested, don't wait.  Mail a note with payment to:


Attn: Sheila Fritts,

P.O. Box 407

Charleston, IL  61920-0407. 


Or, if it's easier, just call her at 217-345-4414 with credit card in hand.

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Chapter 313 member Walter Knee 85, died March 13, 2021, at Blue Ridge Hospice Inpatient Center. He was preceded in death by his wife, Nancy Knee. Arrangements are by Omps Funeral Home, Amherst Chapel, Winchester.


(Editor’s Note: Due to space limitations, Walter’s full Bio will be in the May issue of the Chatter.)

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