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Updated February 1, 2021


The Official Newsletter of the
Shenandoah Valley Chapter #313
Korean War Veterans Association
Volume 14, Issue 02
Paul E. Bombardier,   Editor
February 1, 2021
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Another month has passed and the situation has not improved at all, in fact, it may be worse than it was.  As I am writing these comments, we still do not know if we will, or will not, be able to hold our February meeting since the American Legion is still limiting the number of people we can have at our meetings to 25 at any one time.  We will keep you informed about the meeting.

          In the meantime, the pressing topic of the day is should we receive the Covid vaccine, or not.  I realize that some of our members have been successful in scheduling an appointment and have received their first shot, however, scheduling an appointment has been extremely difficult.  I realize also, that, for personal reasons, some of you may be reluctant to get the vaccine at this time.  I understand your concerns and obviously, it is an individual decision, however, I think that the majority of the

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medical experts are recommending that all of us “old folks” get the vaccine as soon as possible as the vaccine becomes available.

          Customarily, the first couple of months have been relatively slow with few, if any, events occurring in the first quarter.  With all of the restrictive guidelines imposed by our Governor, if it is possible, the outlook for this year appears that it will be even slower.  We did hold a Board of Directors meeting in January and we have scheduled the February BOD meeting for Tuesday, February 2nd at the Macedonia United Methodist Church.  I would remind all members that you are welcome to attend the BOD meetings, but if you can’t attend and you have an issue that needs Board action, please let our Secretary, Doug Hall, or me know.

          While we are unable to hold our meetings, we all need to be out-and-about in the community and have the opportunity to do some recruiting of new members for our Chapter.  Wearing our “Korean Veteran” hats (either war veteran or defense veteran) is a good conversation starter so when you go shopping or out to eat, wear your hat and be on the outlook for potential new members. 

                (Continued on Page 7).

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