The Official Newsletter of the
Shenandoah Valley Chapter #313
Korean War Veterans Association
Volume 14, Issue 02
Paul E. Bombardier, Editor
February, 2021
Ever since we received our Charter in 2008, we have always prided ourselves as a group of men and women who have conducted ourselves at the highest level of conduct and decorum and respect for our fellow members.
At our December 8, 2020 meeting we experienced an incident where one of our members became extremely irate in a conversation with another member, using some gutter language, the likes of which we have never before experienced at a Chapter meeting or any other Chapter activity. For the record, that member has received a Letter of Reprimand as directed by the Board of Directors.
I have been a member of our Chapter since before we received our Charter in 2008 and, thankfully, I have never heard that kind of language used at any of our Chapter functions, and, quite frankly, none of us want to hear it again.
I commend all of our members for always taking great pride in supporting our policy where we strive to maintain the highest level of civility and decorum during our meetings or any other activity sponsored by our Chapter I trust that this was an isolated insistence and it will not occur again. It will not be tolerated at any time.
Lew Ewing, Commander
Since we were unable to hold our Annual Meeting/Christmas luncheon this year due to the virus, and those of us who planned to attend paid for their meals in advance, I am holding your refund for you and I need for you to let me know what you wish to do with it.
Since we did not want to write 25-30 separate checks, I am holding your refund in cash. Some of those who paid, told me to donate it back to the Chapter’s General Fund. Others have donated it back to the Chapter designating as a contribution to the Memorial Fund for one of our deceased members – Charles Hoak, Millard Pippin, or Ralph Martin.
I am asking that any of you who are due a refund, please let me know what to do with your refund. Although I am not suggesting that you need to do so, you may donate it back to the Chapter or, since it is in cash and I will not put cash in the mail, you can stop by my house and pick it up.
If I have not heard from you by February 15, 2021, I will assume that you want to donate your refund to the Chapter and I will give it to our Treasurer, Dave Stegmaier, for deposit into our Chapter checking account.
Lew Ewing, Commander