The Official Newsletter of the
Shenandoah Valley Chapter #313
Korean War Veterans Association
Volume 14, Issue 09
Paul E. Bombardier, Editor
September, 2021
Lew Ewing
I realized the fact that sooner or later, our Chapter would reach this point, however, I hoped that it would not come so soon.
What I am referring to is the fact that the majority of our members seem to have no interest in doing anything more than simply attend our monthly meetings, if in fact, they even bother to attend the meetings. We hear a multitude of reasons, or excuses, from some members as to why they have no enthusiasm or interest in participating in Chapter sponsored activities or volunteering to assist in any way.
We have reached a cross-road where we need to decide if we are going to regain our enthusiasm and vitality and continue to be the best Chapter
in the entire KWVA, or ARE we going to follow the lead of too many of our fellow Chapters and become inactive and wither on the vine until there is no Shenandoah Valley Chapter of the KWVA. It is up to each of you!
All year, we have been asking for someone to step-up and volunteer to serve as Chaplain, Chair the Chapter members Veterans Services Committee or Chair the Tell America Committee, with no takers.
For the Frederick County Fair, we had four members show-up to work our booth.
At our last meeting, a number of opportunities were presented to the members to participate in upcoming Chapter activities, again, with little or no interest. We attempted to recruit help to work two, two-hour shifts at our booth at the Clarke County Fair. Six members volunteered with two members working both shifts. We talked about the Chapter Picnic scheduled for September 19th. Forty some members, including guests, signed-up to attend while we (cont. on p. 4)