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Updated January 1, 2021


The Official Newsletter of the
Shenandoah Valley Chapter #313
Korean War Veterans Association
Volume 14, Issue 01
Paul E. Bombardier,   Editor
January 1, 2021
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Lew Ewing


     With all of the craziness that occurred due to the Coronavirus, I do not feel that anyone is sad to put 2020 in our rear-view mirror.   While there are still many unanswered questions, hopefully, with the release of, and the rapid distribution of the Coronavirus vaccine, we will be able to put this nightmare behind us and return to some semblance of normalcy in 2021 and get on with our lives.                       I want to thank all of our members for giving me the opportunity to serve a second term as the Commander of the “very best” Chapter in the entire Korean War Veterans Association.  From the time we received our Charter in 2008, we have emphasized the importance of not only doing the right thing, but doing the right thing right, and we have consistently done that.  The successes we have enjoyed are not due solely to the leadership team but due to the support, hard work and enthusiasm of all of our members. I am proud to be a

member of the Shenandoah Valley Chapter #313, KWVA and I am looking forward to the opportunity to work with everyone as we continue this proud tradition, however, to do so we need your continued help.  We are in the process of recruiting Chairmen for a number of our important committees and we still have some holes to fill.  We desperately need someone to step forward to serve as our Chaplain and Chair of our Member Services Committee immediately.  Due to medical reasons, our past Chaplain, Raleigh Watson, who has done an exceptional job for us, was forced to resign from this critical position and, to date, all requests for a volunteer to replace him have gone unanswered.  If we are to continue our record of excellence, we need someone to step forward and fill this position. With everyone’s support and hopefully with the containment of the virus, I am confident that 2021 will be one of the most successful year in the history of our Chapter.

          Lewis M. Ewing, Commander 


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