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The Official Newsletter of the
Shenandoah Valley Chapter #313
Korean War Veterans Association
Volume 14, Issue 02
Paul E. Bombardier,  Editor
February, 2021

Member Bio – Chapter 313 Chaplain Rev. Dr. Raleigh  Watson Jr.


(Editor’s Note). This Bio is being reproduced and edited from the Nov 2011 Chatter for the benefit of newer members since then.


Raleigh Watson was born in Martinsburg, WV. on August 24, 1933. However, he grew up in NJ-CT-FL, and mostly NC.

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Following his graduation from Hendersonville High School in NC on June 5th 1951, Raleigh almost immediately enlisted in the U.S. Air Force.

He was shipped to Lackland AF Base in san Antonio, TX. For basic training, and then on to Keesler AFB in MS. for Tech school training. He first served as a radar mechanic, and on a RB-36 aircraft as an  Electronic Counter-measures Operator with the 28th Strategic Reconnaissance Wing @ Ellsworth AFB in Rapid City, SD. Raleigh was Honorably discharged in June of 1955.

          After two years at Shepherd College, Raleigh entered Emory school of Dentistry and received his Dr. of Dentistry Degree in 1961. While at Emory, Raleigh  married Patricia Ann Boyd (Deceased 8/2/2012) and they returned to Berryville, VA., after which Raleigh then operated a

successful Dental practice in Berryville until retirement in January. 2004.

          While still operating his dental practice, Raleigh began preparing for a new

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profession as he answered a call to the Ministry, and was ordained to the Anglican Priesthood in Sep 2003 and then served as Rector at St Michael the Archangel Anglican Church in Winchester until retiring in 2020.

Raleigh has served his community in numerous elected and volunteer capacities including some as follows. Clarke Cty. Board of Supervisors 1971-1992, Clarke Cty. Social Services Board 1972-1980, Regional Airport commission & authority 1983-1987, and numerous other important positions.

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Raleigh has also served as Chaplain of KWVA Chapter 313 for many years, and due to health issues he would like to see someone step up and take his place as Chaplain.

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