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The Official Newsletter of the
Shenandoah Valley Chapter #313
Korean War Veterans Association
Volume 14, Issue 06
Paul E. Bombardier,   Editor
June, 2021
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Lew Ewing

     With every passing month we seem to   develop more confidence that the Corona Virus seems to be abating and we will soon return to some semblance of normalcy in our daily lives. It cannot happen too soon.

     In the month of May, we had the opportunity to participate in two major events in Washington, DC. The first on May 1st, some of our members travelled to Washington to participate in the taping of the National Memorial Day parade. This story is covered in detail on pages 6-7.

     The second, on May 21st, we again travelled to Washington to our Memorial to attend the groundbreaking ceremony that is being added to our Memorial to honor all of our service men and women who

were killed in action during the Korean War.

This was a meaningful ceremony that fulfilled the dreams of Col. Bill Weber who was the driving force in the efforts to have the Wall added to our Memorial. Republic of Korea President Moon, Jae In spoke at the event. The U.S. President was invited to participate, but did not show up.

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We hope that these two events will just be the beginning of many more opportunities to participate in, in the coming months. I want to encourage more of you to take part in future activities. You will enjoy it.

Lewis M. Ewing, Commander

© 2016-2021 by KWVA - Shenandoah Valley Chapter 313

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