The Official Newsletter of the
Shenandoah Valley Chapter #313
Korean War Veterans Association
Volume 13, Issue 12
Paul E. Bombardier, Editor
December, 2020

As I write this column, we have just learned of the death of our comrade, Millard Pippin. Although he was unable to attend meetings
lately, he was a very regular attendee until health problems made it impossible. Services will be private, as is the case so often these days. I ask that you keep Millard and his family in your prayers.
Herb Taylor has been hospitalized since our last meeting and is awaiting tests and procedures to determine what treatment, if any, might be required.
Three of those recently on the sick list have recovered sufficiently to have been with us at our last meeting – Isaac Luttrell, Glenn Ramsburg, and Paul Campbell were in attendance.
Many of our members’ situations remain as previously reported. I ask your prayers for all the following:
Paul Bombardier was at our last meeting, has resumed his duties as secretary and editor, but still faces tests and treatment. We wish him the best.
Ralph Martin is at “The Willows.” No visitors are allowed in these establishments – not even family. You may check on him through his wife, Norma, at the home number – 540-877-2819.
Don Jones is home, and calls are appreciated. Phone – 540-869-1958
Charles Boyce is at the VA Hospital in Martinsburg, WVA. His room number is 5th Floor, Ward B, Room 340. You may call him at 304-263-0811, Ext 2952. This will take you to the nursing station in Ward B who will connect you to Charles.
I ask that you keep these and the following in your prayers:
Leonard Laconia, Ernest Hill, and Raymond Carter.
Reminder! We are still seeking a person to take the chaplain/members’ service committee chairman’s position. Please consider it!

2021 is just around the corner. Shirley and I want to wish you all the Best Wishes of the Season and we are hopeful for a Happy New Year.
Note: Please check the Dues Due section for your name and send in your dues payment.. Several members have allowed their membership to lapse in recent months. KWVA National is quick to remove your name from the Roster,
Jerry White December 10
Lawrence McNealy December 13
Marshall DeHaven December 13
Ed Ringoot December 17
Ray Aston December 21
Allen Stine December 31