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The Official Newsletter of the
Shenandoah Valley Chapter #313
Korean War Veterans Association
Volume 14, Issue 03
Paul E. Bombardier,  Editor
March, 2021

(Cont. from Page 4)

     They raised two girls who gave them four grandchildren. 
     Dick has had several opportunities in business from cost accounting at Lumberman’s Mutual Insurance Co, York Hospital, and as an assistant to the VP with PA Blue Shield. Finally, Dick and his wife purchased a store in rural Frederick County. Dick also worked with Herb Taylor, a member of our Chapter, assisting him with his carpentry class at “Dowell J. How-ard” Vocational School.
     Antiquing, Golf and Woodworking are some of Dick’s avocations. 

A Message From the Commander


     Plans are underway for a National Memorial Day Parade to be held in Washington, DC this coming May.  However, due to the disruptions cre-ated by the Coronavirus, the parade will be different this year.
     For starters, the parade will be a “made for TV” parade and will be held on May 1st, not on Memorial Day.  The parade will be taped on the first and will be aired on Memorial Day on national television and on the Armed Forces Network, so if you participate in the taping of the parade, you can watch yourself on TV on Memorial Day!


      In the event of rain on May 1st, 
May 2nd has been designated as a rain date.  Transportation to and from the event will be provided by our friends at the Korean Embassy.
     The producers of the parade are requesting up to 15 members of our Chapter to take part in the parade, so I am asking that you please let me know that you want to participate in the parade by calling me at 540-539-8705 or email Remember, only 15 of our members are invited, so the first 15 who sign-up will be able to go.
     After being cooped-up and con-fined to home for so long, it will be fun to be able to get away and do something special again.
     Additionally, there is a good prob-ability that there may be some events scheduled for Memorial Day either at our Korean War Memorial in Wash-ington and/or at Arlington National Cemetery.  I will keep you informed when plans are finalized. 
                 Lew Ewing - Commander  

Some March WW2 Navy History,

     1942: Southwest of Newfoundland, Ensign William Tepuni, of Patrol Squadron 82 (VP-82), spots a Ger-man U-boat. He targets U-656 with depth charges dropped from his Lockheed PBO-1 "Hudson" - the first sinking of a submarine by the United States during World War II.

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