The Official Newsletter of the
Shenandoah Valley Chapter #313
Korean War Veterans Association
Volume 14, Issue 07
Paul E. Bombardier, Editor
July, 2021
something following the many months of confinement due to the virus.
As the summer heats-up, so will the number of opportunities for us to participate in activities and events, so please plan to join us in supporting these events.
Thank you, and again, thank you for affording me the privilege of serving as the Commander of the best Chapter in the entire KWVA,
Lewis M. Ewing, Commander

A few days after our last meeting, Narce Caliva experienced a mild dizzy spell, fell, and hit his head. He spent a few days in the hospital undergoing tests.
He is now home and in a 30-day observation period, at the end of which time, there will be some further tests to precisely determine the cause of his fall and the possibility of further treatment. Please keep Narce in your prayers during this observation period.
Reminder: During these difficult “Covid times,” when many of us are still not going out very much, we do not see as much of one another. The word-of-mouth network is not highly active. It is much more important to let us know when you learn of a comrade with a health problem or other situation. Please all me if you learn of members in need. My phone is 540 955-2183, and you may leave a message.
Note: In the June issue of the Chatter on page 7, the photo of Major General Pyo was incorrectly identified as a Brigadier General. Your editor sincerely apologizes for this oversight.
July Birthdays
Bill Scott July 5
Brett Osborn July 11
Carmel Whetzel July 12
Dave Clark July 16
Lawrence Clowser July 22
KWVA National Dues are DUE for:
Robert Golightly July 5, 2021
James Coots July 9, 2021
Carmel Whetzel July 9. 2021
Robert Shirley July 18, 2021
Jul 3rd: All Veterans Breakfast 8:15 am @ Golden Corral, Winchester, VA.
Jul 6th: Chapter BOD meeting 9:00 am @ Macedonia UMC, White Post, VA
Jul 13th: Chapter 313 meeting 2:00 pm with optional lunch @ 1:00 pm @ A. L. Post 21, Winchester, VA.
September 19th: SAVE THE DATE
Chapter Picnic. 1:00 pm at the Jim Barnett Park pavilion near our KWVA Memorial. Sign-ups will be taken at the July & August meetings. The Board agreed to subsidize $5 per person of the $20 catered meal expense, so it would only cost members and guests $15 per person payable at sign-up.