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The Official Newsletter of the
Shenandoah Valley Chapter #313
Korean War Veterans Association
Volume 14, Issue 02
Paul E. Bombardier,  Editor
February, 2021

(Cont, From Page 1).


Finally, I will again remind everyone that we still have some openings on our 2021 Organizational Chart.  Raleigh Watson has done an exceptional job as our Chaplain and Service to Members Committee, however, as you have heard before, Raleigh is experiencing problems with his eyes and he reluctantly has to step aside so we need help replacing him.                                           

Also, while it will not be a pressing problem until the Covid restrictions are lifted, we need someone to serve as our Tell America Committee chair plus other open positions.   I would remind everyone that this is not a one-or-two-man organization.  In order for us to continue to be the best Chapter in the entire KWVA, everyone needs to pitch in and help!   Let me know how you want to help!!

                                                                   Lew Ewing, Commander

January Board of Directors Meeting,

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On January 5th, the new 2021 Board of Directors met for the first time to discuss various issues and events to be considered for the coming year, Depending on the Covid situation, the monthly member meetings have been placed on hold until further notice.

Valentine's Day Feb 14th      President's Day Feb 15th.

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President 01.png

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