The Official Newsletter of the
Shenandoah Valley Chapter #313
Korean War Veterans Association
Volume 14, Issue 03
Paul E. Bombardier, Editor
March, 2021
1944: While hunting a Wolfpack of German subs in the North Atlantic at night, the Cannon-class destroyer escort USS Bronstein (DE-189) spots U-709 on the surface, preparing to attack the American task force. “Bronstein” hits the sub sever-al times with her guns, and together with her fellow destroyer escorts, sink the sub with depth charges.
“Bronstein's” crew then spots an-other U-boat with their sonar and quickly sends U-603 to the bottom with more depth charges.
1944: One day after sinking the American submarine USS “Grampus” the Japanese destroyers Murusame and Minegumo are them-selves sunk in the Battle of Blackett Straight. Rear Adm. Aaron S. Merrill's Task Force 68 use the Navy's new radar fire control system to target the enemy warships.
1943: A single PBY "Catalina" from Patrol Squadron 53 (VP-53) spots a surfaced German U-boat in the Car-ibbean. The sub's crew are too busy sunbathing to notice Lt. J.E. Dryden's plane bearing down on them, and his depth charges sink U-156.
Code of Conduct Application
In last month’s issue of the “Chatter”, mention was made of the “Code of Conduct” form to be filled out. This was not included in that issue. How-ever, it has been included on Page 7 of this issue. Those members who wish to subscribe to this Code may do so and return the form to Doug Hall, our Chapter Secretary.
A Senior Moment
The other day, a couple of retired folks went into town and into a shop to browse. When they came out, a cop was writing a parking ticket.
They walked up to him and said, hey man, how about giving a senior citizen a break??. He ignore them and continued writing. They called him an A** Hole. He glared at them and started writing another ticket for worn tires. So they called him a Sh** Head. The more they abused him, the more tickets he wrote.
Just then their bus arrived, and they got on it and went home.