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The Official Newsletter of the
Shenandoah Valley Chapter #313
Korean War Veterans Association
Paul E. Bombardier,   Editor
November, 2017

 Commander Ray Ewing

Permit me executive privilege in this column to express my personal indignation, and deep concern of what I believe is inappropriate and disrespectful conduct by some folks, supposedly

protesting social injustice.


Again these are my thoughts, my opinions, and may not necessarily be those of all our membership.

I believe we all agree that we have a constitutional right to protest. I also hope   we would agree that there are appropriate and inappropriate ways to do so.

Disrespect for our flag and the country it stands for is inappropriate. I believe this issue and other unfit, sometimes even illegal and violent activities, all taken in the guise of protest, are tearing our country apart.

( Continued on Page 6 )

Member Notice of Annual Meeting

Pursuant to the Chapter By-Laws, Article 5 section E, notice is hereby given to the membership per the following instructions.


(30 days prior to the annual elections, the secretary shall submit to each officer and member of the Chapter a notice of the annual meeting and an agenda for the Chapter meeting). This meeting will be held Tuesday Dec. 12th at the Lee-Jackson restaurant in Winchester, VA. A Buffet Luncheon will be served at 1:00 pm @ $13.00 per person including spouses, and an abbreviated meeting at 2:00 pm for the nominating Committee to open the floor for officer nominations and election, followed by the installation of the new officers. Those members who do not wish to attend the luncheon, may at their option, attend the meeting at 2:00 pm in order to vote. Last date for sign-ups and payment for the luncheon will be at the November 14th general member  meeting, payable to Peachie” DeHaven.

© 2016-2021 by KWVA - Shenandoah Valley Chapter 313

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