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The Official Newsletter of the
Shenandoah Valley Chapter #313
Korean War Veterans Association
Paul E. Bombardier, Editor
December, 2017
Korea  Memorial Wreath Laying.

Lew Ewing, Narce Caliva, Bill Scott and Jack Keep  attended this November 14th Wreath Laying to help welcome Ms. Choo, Mi-Ae,  who is the Chairwoman of the ROK Liberal Democratic Party, (this is President Moon's party in the Korean National Assembly) and about a half-dozen National Assemblymen (Congressmen) who were visiting the US.

(Photo courtesy Yonhap News, 11-01-2017 )

Ms.  Choo Mi-ae  visited Washington D.C. and New York from Nov. 14-19. Ms. Choo planned to meet U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, National Security Advisor H. R. McMaster and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi. A contingent of Koreans  and local Korean War veterans, welcomed this group jointly.  It was quite a chilly day and there was a good program, Afterwards, BG Pyo invited all of us veterans to lunch at the Ft Myer Officers Club, which was appreciated and very nice.     No other blue coats were in attendance, so it was good that Chapter 313 was once again able to support the Korean Embassy.                   (Article submitted by Narce Caliva.)

New Flagpoles Installed.

Gary Fletcher procured a contractor to install  the two new flag poles at our Winchester Korean War Memorial. Robert Shirley assisted along with Marshall DeHaven, Herbert Taylor, Fred Haymaker, and Charles Ewing. The two new poles were added to include the Virginia State Flag and the POW/MIA Flag.  

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