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The Official Newsletter of the
Shenandoah Valley Chapter #313
Korean War Veterans Association
Paul E. Bombardier, Editor
May, 2017

On Sunday, April 23rd, the Top of Virginia Honor Flight organization treated a group of WW II and Korean War Veterans to a full day of great fellowship, good food, and entertainment when they provided two motor coaches from Schrock's Tour and Charter Company to transport them to Washington, D.C. to tour the WW II, Korean and Vietnam Memorials plus a drive-by at the Marine Corps Memorial, a stop at the US Air Force Memorial and a visit to the Tomb of the Unknowns at Arlington National Cemetery where we viewed the Changing of the Guard ceremony .

Photo w/ Congresswoman Barbara Comstock

Our friends at the Republic of Korea Embassy sponsored one of the coaches for the tour. Also, when we arrived at the Korean War Memorial, we were met by Lt Col. Lee and Lt Col. Kim, Deputy Defense Attachés at the Embassy.

Lt Col. Lee and Lt Col. Kim and Lew Ewing participated in a wreath laying ceremony at our Korean War Memorial

Afterwards many veterans visited the Vietnam and the Lincoln Memorials nearby. On our way to the Air Force Memorial we drove past the Iwo Jima Memorial and part of the beautiful Arlington Cemetery.  The Air Force Memorial, which is located on a high elevation that overlooks the Pentagon and Washington, is a very impressive sight with its three spirals that shoots upward to the stars. By 1300 hours we arrived at the marble amphitheater adjacent to the Tomb of the Unknown Soldiers before seeing more of the cemetery via bus. 

The next 80 minutes we watched the Changing of the Guard before leaving for Winchester. On our return, we were given additional treats, an individual large envelope from local school children filled with individual thank you letters for the veterans’ service, and an Honor Flight challenge coin.   Upon arrival at the American Legion we were greeted by the local citizens, and a local band playing the bag pipes. 

In the American Legion hall, we had a delicious dinner awaiting us.  It couldn’t have been a better day for the veterans that participated in the “Honor Flight” Day! Article submitted by Charles Hoak and Lew Ewing.

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