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The Official Newsletter of the
Shenandoah Valley Chapter #313
Korean War Veterans Association
Paul E. Bombardier,  Editor
August, 2017
Celebration of Freedom Service

A “Celebration of Freedom Service” was held at the Orlean Baptist Church in Orlean, VA on July 9th. Pastor Randy West, a retired Marine General, welcomed the congregation of visitors from several churches in the area who came to share the commemoration of 

 Independence Day. Special presentations and greetings were given by visiting pastors followed by patriotic hymns and special music from the churches. The guest of honor and speaker for the evening was Col. John Nettles, USMC (Ret.). Col. Nettles is a deacon and Men’s Ministry leader at his church. He also works as Deputy Director in Marine Corps Manpower. The theme of his lecture was the importance of leadership. Following the guest speaker, the congregation sang “America” followed by the Service Hymns Medley and prayer for our nation. At the conclusion of the service the church provided an ice cream social. {Article provided by Rev. Jack Keep.}

Hagerstown, MD. Chapter #312 Installation and luncheon meeting.

KWLF July Teacher’s Conference.

The  Korean War Legacy Foundation, headed by Dr. Jongwoo Han, conducted its third annual conference at Arlington, VA, on July 12. The event, attended by over 100 teachers and librarians

from across the country attended workshops preparing them to organize and conduct Tell America type sessions with Korean War and Defense Veterans for their students.  Chapter #313  members Josh Morimoto and Narce Caliva and other veterans demonstrated in small table groups how they would tell their stories and answer questions from student audiences.  The evening banquet program began with a touching  Missing Man presentation by former KWVA president Bill Mac Swain, followed by warm words of encouragement from KWVA president Tom Stevens.   KWVA past president Larry Kinard was also on hand to witness the showing of a live snippet from his interview which will become part of the ambitious program the Legacy Foundation has planned to develop dynamic new instructional materials incorporating  many such excerpts from the hundreds of interviews they have collected.   Foundation professional staff and public school instruction officials described the technical aspects involved in carrying out this project. 

National Director Narce Caliva installs   Chapter #312 Officers and Board members.

Ed Ringoot, Narce Caliva, Lew Ewing and Charles Hoak at Chapter #312 installation..

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