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The Official Newsletter of the
Shenandoah Valley Chapter #313
Korean War Veterans Association
Paul E. Bombardier, Editor
September, 2017
Front Royal Air Show Event.

On Saturday, August  26th, the Chapter participated at the Warren County airport by setting up our display canopy and greeting visitors   with KWVA brochures and pamphlets. Nine members participated including Jack Keep (who coordinated this Chapter event),

Lew Ewing, Narce Caliva, Bob Shirley, Steve Culbert, Josh Morimoto, David Clark, Jack Kronenberger, and Paul Bombardier

Chapter 313 Open for Business.

All the folks enjoying a great show.

Waiting for the Call to Flag Duty.
General Pyo and family Starting the line.
Jack Keep accepting the Flag from the scout.
Waiting the Order to Disperse.
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