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The Official Newsletter of the
Shenandoah Valley Chapter #313
Korean War Veterans Association
Volume 11, Issue 02
Paul E. Bombardier,  Editor
February,  2018

January Meeting Highlights.

The January meeting was held on Jan 9th at the American Legion Post 21 meeting room after a week of frigid weather. Chaplain Raleigh Watson began the invocation with a moment of silence in respect for our departed member Edmund Reel.

  Rob Shirley is shown left, proudly carrying the USA Flag, “Old Glory” and Ron Twenty carrying the National KWVA Flag on the right. All the Flag bearers are ready and waiting for the signal to enter the amphitheater.

 Ron Twenty, a member of Chapter 312 in Hagerstown, visited our Chapter meeting, and gave a history report of the USA Flag carried by Chapter 313 member Rob Shirley during the Veterans Day ceremony held at Arlington National cemetery amphitheater on Nov 11th.

    Including many visits to foreign countries, “Old Glory” was presented at Arlington National cemetery on Veterans day 2017 by the Korean War Veterans Assn. of the USA.

“Old Glory” had recently returned from a second visit to South Korea where she saluted the Airmen/Women of the 51st Fighter Wing and the soldiers of the 2nd Infantry Division

Ron Twenty addresses Chapter 313 with the history of “Old Glory”...

Rob Shirley and Ron Twenty stand by the Dais in the amphitheater with the Flags on Veterans Day while KWVA. President Tom Stevens addresses the gathering followed by USA  Vice-President Mike Pence. This was a great day for our Chapters to be proud.

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