The Official Newsletter of the
Shenandoah Valley Chapter #313
Korean War Veterans Association
January Mtg. Highlights
(Cont. from page 5)
Gary Fletcher introduced to the members Myron Kramer left, and Scott Fletcher right, who happens to be Gary’s son, two of his key helpers on our Memorial Flagpole upgrade project. To thank them for their help installing two additional poles to the Memorial, Commander Ray Ewing presented each a personal plaque of appreciation for their efforts.
Also at this meeting, Commander Ray Ewing presented an “Ambassador for Peace” medal provided by the Korean Embassy to Harold Miller in appreciation of his service to our country.
Something Else
We are going to welcome new member James Morris to our Chapter. His application has been forwarded to KWVA National for processing. If you see James, say hello and introduce yourself. This is a good start for 2018. Applications are available at the monthly meetings. If you see anyone wearing a Korea Hat, don’t be bashful. Speak to them and mention our group. Give them an application and a phone number. Here is an area where we can use some help.
There are still many Korea era veterans out there who have not heard of our Chapter or the KWVA association.