The Official Newsletter of the
Shenandoah Valley Chapter #313
Korean War Veterans Association
2018 Memorial Day Concert on the Mall in Washington, DC Sunday, May 27th, and was attended by Four members of Chapter 313.
U.S. Navy Master Chief Special Warfare Operator Britt K. Slavinski who attended the Concert.
Master Chief Slavinski was presented the Medal of Honor by President Trump at the White House on
May 24, 2018 for his heroism during a mission in Afghanistan in March 2002.
Tom Stevens, “Peachie” DeHaven, Herb Taylor, Narce Caliva, Jack Keep’s daughter Rachel and Lew Ewing.
Lew Ewing with Gen. Glen M. Waters, Ass’t Commandant of the U. S. Marine Corps. Gen. Waters gave Lew his challenge coin to pass on to Lew’s grandson stationed at Camp Lejeune N.C.
Lew Ewing, Narce Caliva, “Peachie” DeHaven, and Herb Taylor at the Concert.
Four of our members were invited again as guests of the Organizing Committee.
A few years ago, members of our Chapter were invited, and were recognized on stage during the concert.
(Article and photos courtesy of Lew Ewing.)