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The Official Newsletter of the
Shenandoah Valley Chapter #313
Korean War Veterans Association
Paul E. Bombardier,   Editor
September, 2018

 Ray Ewing                

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As I noted in the last months Chatter we have had a very active summer. A summer that is rapidly closing out. One good thing about summer ending though for me is my most favorite time of the year is beginning.  The more pleasant weather, the crisp morning air, mother nature’s grand display, you got to love it. I do hope each of you have enjoyed the active life of the Chapter this summer and are anticipating the pleasant fall activities.

Even though it is two months off I do want to highlight the upcoming Veterans Day event to be conducted at the Amphitheatre in Arlington National Cemetery.  It will be held on Sunday November 11th. That is correct, we have double checked the  




ceremonies will be conducted on Sunday the 11th.  The program will include an address by the Vice President followed by a lunch. Following that there will be a wreath laying ceremony at the Korean War Memorial on the mall at 4:00pm. Bus transportation will be provided by the Embassy. Everything will be pretty much the same except for the freezing cold we experienced last year.

This is a very impressive ceremony and program, if you have never gone you should plan to attend this year.

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Updated September 03, 2018

© 2016-2021 by KWVA - Shenandoah Valley Chapter 313

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