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The Official Newsletter of the
Shenandoah Valley Chapter #313
Korean War Veterans Association
Volume 11, Issue 12
Paul E. Bombardier,  Editor
December,  2018
Dick Boxwell’s Grandson Follows in His Footsteps


Dick Boxwell traveled to Naval Station Norfolk in Norfolk, VA on Friday, November 16th to celebrate the graduation of his grandson, Naval Aircrewman Joshua Laramore. Joshua graduated from Fleet Replacement Squadron Helmineron Twelve (HM-12) where they operate and fly on the MH-53e Sea Dragon helicopter.

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He was promoted to Petty Officer third class (NAC) and Dick was honored to be able to present him with his gold Aircrew wings.

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Prior to the ceremony, Dick got to take a look inside and around the helicopter. The helicopter which is the largest in the military, measures 99 feet one half inch in length, weighs up to 70,000 pounds, and can carry 55 passengers. The primary mission of the large helicopter is airborne mine counter measures.

After the ceremony, Daniel Grover, the XO of HM-12, introduced himself to Dick and thanked him for his service. A short time later Commander Grover returned and honored him by presenting him with the very first challenge coin of the squadron.

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Dick and Pat Boxwell traveled to Norfolk, VA on Friday November 16th to celebrate their Grandson’s graduation.

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Dick receiving the very first challenge coin of the squadron, from commander Daniel Grover

Dick and his grandson standing in front of the MH-53e Sea Dragon helicopter

Dick presenting his grandson with his gold wings

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