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The Official Newsletter of the
Shenandoah Valley Chapter #313
Korean War Veterans Association
Paul E. Bombardier,   Editor
February, 2019
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David Clark

The extreme cold and wind remind me of my time aboard two destroyers off the coast of Korea; I was never so cold in all my life. 

        I am certain that anyone who served in Korea will feel the same way.  This brings me to the main point of my comments, which is simply to ensure that our fellow veterans are well taken care of not only by the VA, but especially by those of us who live in their areas. 

         This Chapter is fortunate to have Rev. Raleigh Watson and his cadre of volunteers who continually check on our members who have suffered debilitating illnesses, answering their needs and keeping us well informed of their condition and situations.

      It behooves each of us to offer our assistance to any veteran who is in need of help or comfort.  This Chapter gives financial support to the Martinsburg Veterans Hospital as well as to the VA Clinic in Stephens City.

My hope is that more of our members will agree to attend scheduled activities, such as May 2nd Mercer School, Apple Blossom Fireman’s parade on May 3rd, and going to Washington, DC for the Memorial Day parade.  Mark your calendars and plan to attend.

See Page 6 for additional events on the calendar.

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Updated February 5, 2019

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