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The Official Newsletter of the
Shenandoah Valley Chapter #313
Korean War Veterans Association
Paul E. Bombardier,  Editor
March, 2019
SAR Appreciation 01.png
SAR Veterans Appreciation Certificate Presentation.

The Veterans Service Committee of the Col. James Wood II Chapter of the Sons of the American Revolution has a program whereby they are honored to recognize our military veterans who are confined to their homes or an assisted living facility, by presenting the veteran with a certificate of appreciation for their service to our country.


Members of our SVC-KWVA chapter who are also members of the Col. James Wood II chapter of the SAR are in the process of calling on our shut-in men and women to present the certificate to them.

The first certificate was presented to Charles Hoak at his home by Raleigh Watson and Lew Ewing on Thursday, Feb 14th.

Members of our KWVA chapter who are also members of the SAR are, Marshall DeHaven, Lew Ewing, Gary Fletcher,

Ray Goff, Hal Miller, Brett Osborn  and Raleigh Watson. Fred Haymaker has submitted his application, and will be inducted as a new member as soon as his induction requirements have been met.


If there are any other members of our KWVA chapter who are interested in joining the SAR, please contact any of the SAR members listed above. We will be happy to assist you. Also, if you know of any veteran who would be eligible to receive the SAR Veterans Appreciation Certificate, please inform any of us

Tin Can Navy, cont’d. from page 6.

The invasion forces were saved from possible annihilation. It has been cited by many noted historians as the most amazing sea battle of the Pacific war and the U.S. Navy’s finest hour in WWII.  

An extraordinary account of this battle was chronicled in a book by James D. Hornfischer titled “The Last Stand of the Tin Can Sailors”.  Here in depth he follows the men and their ships from training to the core of the battle. A must read for all Navy men and for anyone interested in WWII history.

© 2016-2021 by KWVA - Shenandoah Valley Chapter 313

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