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The Official Newsletter of the
Shenandoah Valley Chapter #313
Korean War Veterans Association
Paul E. Bombardier,  Editor
June, 2019
Stephens City Memorial Event.
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On May 25th, Guest speaker, former Stephens City Mayor and Past Chapter 313 KWVA Commander Ray Ewing addresses the gathering at the Stephens City Veterans memorial including members Gary Fletcher, Narce Caliva, John Shenk, Paul Bombardier and Ed Ellis along with the VFW Post 2123 Honor Guard.

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Chapter 313 member Walter Jagiello, an Air Force veteran, presented the Memorial Wreath assisted by Scouts of BSA troop 15.

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Newtown Days Parade May 25th.

Saturday afternoon, 10 members of Chapter 313 gathered for the annual Parade in Stephens City.

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Shown above are front Row: Charles Savary Sr, Brett Osborn, Ray Ewing, Jack Keep, and Paul Campbell. Standing rear: Lew Ewing, Rob Shirley, Gary Fletcher, Steve Culbert and Paul Bombardier.

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We all enjoyed the waves by the roadside crowds.

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