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The Official Newsletter of the
Shenandoah Valley Chapter #313
Korean War Veterans Association
Volume 12, Issue 09
Paul E. Bombardier,  Editor
September, 2019

(Cont. from Page 4) Staff Sgt Glenn Ramsburg of Hqs, 1st Bn, 17th Infantry Regt, 7th Infantry Division.  

The Chapter was pleased to be able to accommodate Mr. Kennedy’s request, which resulted in this special recognition of two of our deserving members who earned the CIB, among other members who also have served in combat.


66th Korea War Truce Commemoration.

The July 27th event ceremony turned out to nearly be a "non-event" for us.  Fifteen people signed-up to go but only seven went. They were:  Marshall DeHaven, Dickie Ewing, Lew Ewing, Edie McGoff, Ed Ringoot, Rob Shirley, and Herb Taylor.  Two of our members, Narce Caliva and Jack Keep were already there attending the KWVA Board and Annual Meetings so we had a total of nine of our members attend. The program was a typical program with: The presentation of the colors, and Invocation by KWVA National Chaplain Jack  Keep. Recognition of the allied countries who participated in the Korean War and the presentation of roses at their markers. KWVA President Paul Cunningham addressing the gathering. A Korean dancer dancing to the Song "Arirang". Speech by Retired Gen. John Tilelli Jr.- Chairman of the KW Veterans Memorial Foundation, and remarks by ROK Ambassador to the US -  Cho Yoon-Je. Followed by the Presentations of Wreaths. Playing of Taps. Benediction by KWVA National Chaplain Jack Keep and Playing of the Armed Forces Service Anthems.

August Chapter Meeting Highlight

13 year old Guest speaker Aydin Mahdavi receives a Chapter Challenge coin from Commander Clark after recounting the events of his trip to Korea with his grandfather, Rodney Cowley during the summer.

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Aydin Mahdavi and Commander Dave Clark touring the Han river on the outskirts of Seoul this past summer.

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