The Official Newsletter of the
Shenandoah Valley Chapter #313
Korean War Veterans Association
Volume 13, Issue 05
Paul E. Bombardier, Editor
May, 2020

These certainly are trying times for all of us. We need to follow the guidelines that have been established for avoiding getting the virus, which is a real change in our way of life, but necessary. Cancellations abound throughout our area and a number of them involve our own Chapter. All activities for the Chapter are cancelled for the month of May. They have even cancelled the Memorial Day parade which was scheduled for May 25th. We had to cancel our April fund raisers and we will need a full effort at our fund raisers in the month of June. At this time, if possible we need to move the date of our June meeting to the 16th, we will contact the Legion to see if this date will work. I, feel that it’s important to again have the Chapter become active
and let us enjoy one another’s company. The Valley Baseball league has cancelled their season, so we will not sponsor the June 20th game that had been scheduled. During these troubling times, it is most important that we check on our comrades, Raleigh Watson does a fabulous job in this area, and I’m quite certain he’d appreciate any help you would be able to give him.
One good thing that happened recently was the receipt of a $300 check from the Valley Glass-Hoppers club and in the near future, I will attend their dinner and personally thank them for their gift. Stay safe, stay well, and stay in touch.
David Clark, Commander