The Official Newsletter of the
Shenandoah Valley Chapter #313
Korean War Veterans Association
Veterans Day Celebration
At Millbrook high School
"We don't know them all
but we owe them all"
The students, faculty, and administra-tion of our three Frederick County High Schools (James Wood, Sherando and Millbrook) presented their annual Veterans Appreciation Day on Thursday, November 10th. As usual, the kids did an outstanding job of greeting, serving, and escorting our Veterans and guests as we enjoyed the light breakfast and fellowship with all of the veterans prior to the program in the auditorium.
We were entertained by the Millbrook High School band and chorus along with the program which was planned by and conducted by students from the three high schools. The program closed with the playing of the Armed Forces Medley by the Millbrook band and Taps performed by Makalla Phelps from Sherando H.S.
As we exited the high school, hundreds of young students from the Redbud Run Elementary School located across the road from the high school, enthusiastically greeted all of us. As usual, Bill Scott brought his own photographer with him and had his picture published on the front page of the Winchester Star. Good job Bill!
Farewell and Thanks
General and Mrs. Shin
On Thursday, November 10, 2017 a group of Korean War Veterans and other dignitaries gathered at the Officers Club at Ft. Myer Army Base in Arlington to honor and thank MGen.
Kyoung Soo Shin and his wife Miyoung You for their friendship and support while Gen Shin has been serving as the Defense Attaché at the Republic of Korea Embassy in Washington.
Gen Shin has been a true friend to all of our Korean Veterans, both Korean War and Korean Defense Veterans in his three years at the Embassy. He has traveled all over the United States attending and participating in KWVA sponsored events in addition to the events held at the Ambassador's home.
Both Gen Shin and his wife were presented numerous wonderful gifts from the KWVA, the Korean War Memorial Foundation and many other organizations, but he told Lew Ewing that the thing he cherished the most was the Honorary Membership in the KWVA that was presented by our President, Tom Stevens.
KWVA President Thomas Stevens presenting an Honorary Member Certificate
to ROK MGen. Kyoung Soo Shin