The Official Newsletter of the
Shenandoah Valley Chapter #313
Korean War Veterans Association
Middletown Veterans
Memorial Dedication
A crowd of roughly 400 people attended the dedication of the Middletown Veterans Memorial on Veterans Day. The Memorial is made up of about 6,800 bricks and a black granite wall adorned with insignias from the US military branches. The Memorial project is valued at $50,000 and the town has agreed to lend up to $35,000. To date $15,000 has been raised in donations. Bricks can be purchased at $75.00 each at the town office. Our hat goes out to our Gary Fletcher who took on the job as project superintendent and completed it in ten months. Submitted by Charles Hoak
The Mystery Member of the Month Found on page 4 is:
Jack Keep
Merry Christmas
Caroline Middle School
Veterans Day Ceremony
Due to a heavy rain, the students and faculty of the Caroline Middle School were forced to move their Veterans Day Ceremony indoors but the young people who participated in the pro gram adjusted and did an outstanding job. The program, held on November 14th was scheduled to be held at their Korean War Memorial that is located on the 38th parallel which passes
through Caroline County at their school.
The ROK Defense Attaché at the Korean Em-
bassy, MGen Shin Kyoung Soo, and retired US Marine Corps LtGen Stephen Olmstead each made comments as they thanked and congra-
tulated the faculty advisors Sara Gibson and Ruth Judd and the students for what they have learned about the Korean War and what they have accomplished with their memorial. Gen Shin presented gifts to all of the students, faculty and veterans who attend the event. he program concluded as we moved outside in the rain to unveil a large brick sponsored by Gen Shin and the ROK Embassy.
Charles Hoak, Marshall DeHaven, Narce Caliva, Ed Brooks, member of the Tidewater Chapter #192, Bill Scott and Lew Ewing.