The Official Newsletter of the
Shenandoah Valley Chapter #313
Korean War Veterans Association

If you have not already received it, you will be receiving your January / February issue of The Graybeards
magazine shortly. Included in this issue will be the ballot to elect officers and directors to join our KWVA leadership
team to assist in making the critical decisions that will be necessary to steer our Association through the next 2-3 years and beyond.
This will be one of the most important elections in the history of the KWVA as we are entering what promises to be a very difficult period due to our ever declining membership with the alarming rate at which our Korean War veterans are dying. We must find a way to attract, in larger numbers, our Korean Defense Veterans who are essential if our Association is to survive.
We are fortunate this year to have some very well qualified KWVA members who are willing to place their names on the ballot for the vacant positions.
I know most of the candidates personally and, while I would not presume to tell you who to vote for, I don't mind telling you for whom I am voting.
My choices are printed in BOLD type.
All of you, of course, know Narce and know of the outstanding job he did while serving as the Commander of our Chapter and most of you know Les Bishop, a Past Commander of the Antietam Chapter in Hagerstown. I would hope that you would vote for both of them.
The candidates are:
1st Vice President
2nd Vice President
Director (Vote for 4)
Vote your own conscience, but please be sure to
We owe one of our members, Glenn Ramsburg a huge debt of gratitude and thanks for the beautiful banner that he presented to our Chapter at our February meeting. This will be an outstanding addition to our inventory of items that we can display out our fundraisers, parades and other events in which we take part.
Thanks again Glenn!

Tom Stevens
Warren Wiedhahn
George Covel
Jeff Brodeur
Stanley Grogan
Wm. (Les) Bishop
George Bruzgis
Narce Caliva
David J. Clark
Paul Cunningham
Luther Dappen
Bruce Harder
Willfred Lack