The Official Newsletter of the
Shenandoah Valley Chapter #313
Korean War Veterans Association
Middletown Parade
The first event will be the Middletown Fourth of July parade. We will assemble at the Lord Fairfax Community College South parking lot at 4:00pm. The parade will start at 5:00pm and Commander Don suggests that we wear our summer Class A uniform (white shirt, black pants and KWVA hat). Of course, if you don't have a uniform, don't let that stop you, please join us anyway. If you need transportation, call Don Netschke at 540-550-1932.
Antietam Chapter
Our friends at the Antietam Chapter in Hagerstown have invited us to attend their monthly meeting on Wednesday, July 6th when National Secretary, Lew Ewing, will be installing their 2016-17 officers and directors. We will leave from the parking lot in front of the Lowes store at the Rutherford Crossing Shopping complex located on Route 11 north at 11:15am and carpool to Hagerstown. Please join us for this opportunity to spend some time with our fellow KWVA members. Wear your Class A uniform if you have one, however, if you don't have a uniform, don't let that stop you. Wear whatever you feel appropriate.
US Army Twilight Tattoo at Fort Myer
Each year during the summer months, the soldiers at Fort Myer present a "Twilight Tattoo" on Wednesday evenings where they present a program of music and entertainment with soldiers representing our US Army from the Revolutionary War through our current conflicts. On Wednesday, July 27th there will be a special tribute to our Korean War veterans. The program will begin at 6:30pm and will conclude around 8:00pm. This will be a great opportunity for the members of our Chapter to witness an exciting program. Family members and guests are also invited to participate. Our new "Travel Agent", Josh Morimoto, will finalize the travel arrangements.
Celebration of Freedom Service
Retired Marine Corp Major General and pastor of the Orlean Baptist Church, Randy West, has invited us to join their congregation and neighbors for their annual service where they honor all of our men and women who are serving, or have served in our nation's military. The service will be held on Sunday, July 10th beginning at 6:30pm. We will carpool from the Walmart, located at Route 522 south and Tasker Road. Departure time will be 5:15pm. Dress will be Class A uniform if you have one or if you don't, wear whatever you feel is appropriate.
Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak,
Courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen.
Winston Churchill
After months of hard work by many of our fellow Korean War Veterans, we feel that we are getting close to receiving final approval from Congress to erect the Wall of Remembrance at our Korean War Memorial in Washington to memorialize the nearly 37,000 American KIAs/POWs in the Korean War. The House of Representatives approved HR 1475 earlier this year authorizing the wall with virtually no opposition. A similar resolution S 1982 has been held up in Committee awaiting co-sponsorship from members of the Senate.
After receiving the support of 38 members of the Senate, the Senate leadership elected to attach our S 1982 to its version of the Energy Bill, S 2012. The House has also passed their version of the Energy Bill. There are some minor differences between the House and Senate bills and it has been assigned to a Conference Committee to work out the differences and come up with a compromise version that will pass both the House and the Senate.
To be on the safe side, Senators Johnson and Carden are moving HR 1475 through the Senate as a stand-alone bill in the event a compromise Energy Bill cannot be passed. Looks good but stay tuned!!