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The Official Newsletter of the
Shenandoah Valley Chapter #313
Korean War Veterans Association
Lewis M. Ewing, Editor
September 2016

   July 27th is special every year for Korean War and Defense Veterans, remembering the day the Cease Fire agreement went into effect sixty- three years ago. This year chapter #313 mem-

bers were once again invited to attend and participate in the program at the Korean War Memorial in Washington, DC. And once again, members and guests got up and assembled early in the morning in Winchester to catch the bus generously sent by our friends in the Korean Embassy to transport our group to the cere-monies on the Mall. We were very well represented.

   This year I wasn't on the bus because I was attending my first KWVA Board meeting as a new national director in nearby Arlington. But when we directors arrived at the Memorial it was really great for me to see our Chapter members, along with some wives, already there and seated in the reserved section. I proudly noted that we were properly and fully uniform-

ed in our Class A blazers despite the warm and humid summer weather that morning. It felt good to have friends from home in the audience, which included a good turnout of many veterans and supporters from this region.

    The program, as usual, was excellent, featuring dignitaries who have become very familiar to us. Major General Shin, the ROK Defense attache to the US, who will be completing his tour soon, made his remarks and we will certainly miss his unparalleled interest and personal support. Deep apreciation for the service and sacrifices made during the War was also expressed by ROK Ambassador Ahn, whose eloquence we have witnessed on many 

occasions. The KWVA will also miss him very much when his assignment here is completed.

    It should be noted that Chapter #313 - which has a history of beyond-the-chapter service- also had two members on this year's program, Including our new National chaplain, Jack Keep, and the KWVA Scholarship Committee chairman, Lew Ewing. They, along with many of the rest of us, participated in the impressive, traditional annual wreath/flower laying ceremony. This is an event not to be missed and should be on the calendar for every member who is able to attend.

                      This article submitted by Narce Caliva..

Lew Ewing (l) and Narce Caliva (r), members of the American Veterans of Korea Foundation Scholarship selection committee, along with Les Bishop, are pictured with two of the 2016 recipients, Scott Kiewe and Janell Couperwaite who were recognized and received certificates at the ceremony at our Korean War Memorial in Washington, DC.

  Back in 1901, when little Billy Scott came home following his first day in school, his mother asked him what he learned today. Billy responded, "Well I thought I learned a lot but apparently it was not enough, they want me to come back again tomorrow!"

© 2016-2021 by KWVA - Shenandoah Valley Chapter 313

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