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The Official Newsletter of the
Shenandoah Valley Chapter #313
Korean War Veterans Association
Paul E. Bombardier,   Editor
January 2018

 Commander Ray Ewing

In my Postal career it seemed that everything revolved around a two week pay period or a four week accounting period. You were always looking forward to the    Friday evening that closed

either or both of those periods. I thought then that was what caused time to go by so fast and that when I retired and would not have to follow such a rigid schedule, time would slow down. Well, it didn’t take long to throw that theory out the window. Time truly does fly. This past year did fly by in a flurry. It seems just a few weeks ago I began in office and now I have already been reelected.

My first inclination for comments at this period was to review the past year’s accomplishments. However, I believe it far more important to look ahead rather than back. Especially so when we seem to venture off into many varied activities and events and easily lose sight of the real purpose and intent of the association. My goal for this new year will again be devotion to the care and welfare of our members, their families and other veterans.

  This can begin with the all-important social aspect of our monthly meeting where we can enjoy fellowship and camaraderie. As importantly, will be support and participation in the Chaplain’s visitation and support program and financial aid where necessary.  Participation in parades, presence at wreath laying ceremonies, maintaining good relations with our Korean friends, these are all important comportments of keeping the plight of veterans before the public. However they must be secondary to the objectives of our association Objectives that are specified in the bylaws of the Chapter.

This next year will present some real challenges. Maintaining the membership numbers is one of the. We did lose five members last year to death and that number is destined to increase each year.  Physically being able to continue the level of activity we have been accustomed to is another. But, a most significant challenge is finding members willing to undertake leadership roles. The nominations committee failed to present a full slate of nominees for consideration at the annual meeting therefore the Board of Directors, in accordance with the bylaws will fill the vacant  positions.  (Cont. on page 2 )

Updated Dec 6, 2017

© 2016-2021 by KWVA - Shenandoah Valley Chapter 313

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