The Official Newsletter of the
Shenandoah Valley Chapter #313
Korean War Veterans Association
( Cont. from page 1 ) We have enjoyed a good year and I have no doubt we will have another good year if we stay focused on the objectives and purpose of the organization. Each must take a role, however trivial or important it might be. There will not always be someone else to do it.
I trust you each had a Merry Christmas and I do wish each and every one a Happy New Year.
Rev. Raleigh Watson
Our condolences go to Ed Ellis on the loss of his wife, Charlotte. I neglected to mention last month that Gary Fletcher had lost his son. I apologize for that omission. Gary and Ed, our prayers are with you at this
difficult time. Ed Reel departed life on earth on Tuesday, 19 Dec. He had been in and out of hospitals and rehab facilities for past few weeks. Ed was a former POW and a real inspiration to our chapter and to many others who knew of his devotion to country and flag. We will miss him greatly, and send our deepest condolences to his family. We have lost a dear comrade! ( Editor Note: More coverage on this in the next issue.)
J. Jones is undergoing radiation and chemo at WVU hospital in Martinsburg. His last message to me was, “Just a quick report.
I have been in the WVU hospital in Martinsburg since Tuesday.
More testing and now undergoing radiation. Not a lot of energy
Will keep you posted. My prayers to all. J. Jones”
J. has set up a page on “” where he or his family post reports on his progress. You may go to it and check on him. I’ll pass on any messages I get from him.
Those listed below are a few on our current concerns list. They would really appreciate a call – even a short one. Some would appreciate a visit, but call first. You might send a card or note from time-to-time, and let them know we are thinking about them.
Millard Pippin – home phone – 540-667-1876
Charles Boyce – cell phone – 304-263-0811
Don Jones – home phone –540-869-1958
Leonard Laconia – 540-667-1716
Romie Nickles – 540-667-1016.
Charles Hoak – 540- 665-0828
Bud Robertson – 540-877-9132
Steve Culbert Jan 01, 1933
Ed Marshall Jan 01, 1935
Hal Miller Jan 05, 1956
Leonard Laconia Jan 10, 1931
Jim Markley Jan 10, 1933
Thomas Muller Jan 19, 1944
Billy Scott Jan 01, 2018
Richard Stork Jan 01, 2018
Thomas Wiseman Jan 01, 2018
Thomas Reardon Jan 24, 2018
Jan 2 Chapter #313 BOD meeting @ 9:00 am. @ Macedonia UMC Room 201
Jan 6 Monthly “ALL” Veterans Breakfast @ Golden Corral. Please be seated by 8:15 am
Jan 9 Chapter #313 monthly member meeting A.L. post 21 @ 2:00 pm w/ optional lunch 1:00 pm.