The Official Newsletter of the
Shenandoah Valley Chapter #313
Korean War Veterans Association
Volume 11, Issue 01
Paul E. Bombardier, Editor
January 2018
Highlights of the Meeting
One of the highlights of the meeting was the reading of the Proclamation and presentation of the “Ambassador for Peace” medal by Brig. Gen. Pyo and Lt. Col Lee to longtime KWVA Chapter 313 member James “Bud” Boyce and to deceased Korea Veteran Milton Boyce, his brother, represented by Milton’s wife Betty who accepted the medal on his behalf.
Gen. Pyo & “Bud” Boyce share a Salute.
(Secretary’s Note)😊 It was very nice to meet “Bud” Boyce after his long absence from the Chapter due to health issues.
Presentation of Special Awards.
Chaplain Raleigh Watson receives Certificate of appreciation for seeing to the welfare of our members. Raleigh also received the "Member of the Year" Award along with the Chapter Cane.
Fred Haymaker & “Peachie” DeHaven receive certificates of appreciation for services rendered to the Chapter members over the years.
Josh Morimoto receives Certificate of appreciation for his efforts as 1st Vice-Commander and "Tell America" program. .