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The Official Newsletter of the
Shenandoah Valley Chapter #313
Korean War Veterans Association
Volume 10, Issue 3
Paul E. Bombardier, Editor
March, 2017
Chapter Valentine Luncheon

On February 16th, the chapter celebrated a belated Christmas luncheon combined with Valentine’s Day. This event was held at the Winchester Best-Western/Lee-Jackson banquet facility. The Chapter had the honor of hosting as our guests, the Korean Embassy Defense Attaché Brig Gen Pyo, Se Woo, and his wife Kang, Ae-Kyung & Col. Lee Kang Wook and his wife. Mrs Lee.

Ladies attending the luncheon received a beautiful red carnation courtesy of Mr. & Mrs. Gary Pommier of Winchester, VA who we thank for their donation.
Additionally, Gen Pyo’s wife Kang, Ae-Kyung, and Col Lee’s wife each received one dozen red roses as a gift from the chapter.

Some of our Members Attending

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