The Official Newsletter of the
Shenandoah Valley Chapter #313
Korean War Veterans Association
February Chapter Meeting
On Valentine’s Day Feb 14th, our Chapter held its monthly meeting at the Post 21 American Legion hall. We had 48 members present, and we were happy to see Ed Reel and Leonard Laconia back after a lengthy absence due to health issues.
Our Fund-Raising schedule for 2017 has been presented by Dick Boxwell, and now is the time to be thinking about these events and signing up to man our tables. Remember that these functions provide funds for our yearly operating expenses so that we do not need to pay dues to the chapter every year. These are the dates and Walmart locations. We hope to see you there. Times 8:00 am-6:00 pm. And the shifts are for 2 hours each.
April 21/22, Pleasant Valley Rd.
June 16/17 Tasker Rd & Rt 522 south.
August 4/5 Route 50 West of Hospital.
"Tell America" (Cont. from Page 6)
Please send me an email or a text to my cell phone if you want to join our committee to participate in class room discussions with students. Please feel free to send me an email for any other questions.
Josh Morimoto and David Clark, Co-Chairman, Chapter “Tell America” Committee
Cell: 410-371-2216
Phone: 540-837-2657
Article contributed by Josh Morimoto.
The Mystery Member of the Month Found on page 2 is:
Pfc Paul E. Bombardier