The Official Newsletter of the
Shenandoah Valley Chapter #313
Korean War Veterans Association
Our Fund-Raising schedule for 2017 has been presented by Dick Boxwell, and now is the time to be thinking about these events and signing up to man our tables. You get to meet and chat with some very interesting people. Remember that these functions provide funds for our yearly operating expenses so that we do not need to pay dues to the chapter every year. These are the dates and Walmart locations. Times 8:00 am - 6:00 pm. And the shifts are for 2 hours each. Sign-up sheets will be passed around at the April Chapter meeting. We hope to see you there. April 21/22, Pleasant Valley Rd.
--------Tell America Update--------

Josh Morimoto
Dear Chapter Members: Here are the “Tell America” Events scheduled and those we are waiting for schools to select their Tell America Dates and Times:
1. Mercer Middle School in Aldie, VA. April 19 at 9 am. Depart Walmart off Hwy 552 at 7:45 am. We have 11 Veterans who signed up and have submitted their
2. Skyline High School in Front Royal, VA. May 24 at 8 am. Drive direct to Skyline HS--meet at the front door. I will give the "Korean War--the Forgotten War" Power Point Presentation then students will go back to 4 classes where our Veterans will lead discussions and respond to questions. Go directly to Skyline High School and meet at the main entrance.
3. John Handley High School in Winchester, VA. History Teacher will give us dates of presentations and class room discussion. David Mills will give presentations to two history classes in a single classroom. Then the 2nd History Class will go back to their class and we will have two groups of Veterans to have a class room discussion and respond to students question. Go directly to school and meet at the front door nearest to the large parking lot. Lt. Colonel Lee or someone from the Korean Embassy will give a presentation on Republic of Korea Government Structure to a Government Class.
4. Hill School of Middleburg, Middleburg, VA off Hwy 50. We will have Korean War--the Forgotten War first to two History Classes, then have lunch with two History Classes, and have separate discussions and respond to question in two separate class room. History Teacher is looking for date and time either in April or May.
5. Korean War Digital History Project 3rd Annual Teachers--July 11-14, 2017. We have been invited to meet with History Teachers attending the conference on July 12 at 1 pm to tape our individual power point presentations and veteran's interviews. We have 4 members going to this session. We will be invited to dinner which honors Korean War and Defense Veterans. Anyone want to join us, please call me at 410-371-2216 or sign up at our April 11 meeting.
You can volunteer to participate in the classroom discussions and respond to student questions by calling David Clark, 540-837-2657 or sign up at our April Monthly Meeting.
Josh Morimoto
1st Vice Commander, KWVA Chapter 313
Cell: 410-371-2216
E-Mail: Joshindel@comcast.net