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The Official Newsletter of the
Shenandoah Valley Chapter #313
Korean War Veterans Association
Paul E. Bombardier,   Editor
May, 2017

 Commander Ray Ewing

Spring has sprung and oh, what beauty. There is truly nothing like Virginia in the spring, especially this Shenandoah Valley that we call home. All the promise that spring offers, even amid

all the trials and tribulations life throws at us, is really a blessing that we all should be thankful for.

Our “Sergeant at Arms” Peachie DeHaven recently had the occasion to research attendance at our regular meetings. He found that we have been averaging thirty for lunch and about six more for the meeting which is about one third of the membership and is not bad at all.  Many organizations, churches included are happy with these numbers. However, I would like to see attendance increase.  The camaraderie and the good humor bantering is evidently enjoyed by all those present. These qualities of a good meeting could be enhanced by a greater attendance.   

Additionally, we have been attempting to make the meetings more enjoyable by holding the long boring announcements and business issues at a minimum and by scheduling interesting programs each month. Col. Bill Weber of the (Korean War Veterans Memorial Foundation’s Wall of Remembrance) project will be the speaker at the May meeting. I feel we have a first-rate opportunity to enjoy an impressive social event. After all what could be better than getting together, telling sea stories or shooting the bull with old friends and comrades?

 Please !!!, I encourage all of you to attend regularly.

Don’t Forget !!!                                             

May 5th. Apple Blossom Fireman’s Parade. Gather @ Shen. Univ. Parking lot. (Old Armory) on Millwood Ave 4:00 pm Class “A” Uniform or suitable attire.


May 2 SVC-313 Board of Directors meeting at Macedonia UMC Room 201 @ 9:00am.

May 4 Changjin (Chosin) reservoir Memorial dedication @ 2:00 pm @ Quantico Marine base.

May 5 Apple Blossom Fireman’s Parade. Gather @ Shen. Univ. Parking lot (Old Armory) on Millwood Ave 4:00 pm Class A Uniform or suitable attire.

May 6  "All Veterans" breakfast at the Golden Corral. Be seated by 8:15 am.

May 9 Chapter #313 Monthly member meeting @ Post 21 American Legion. Lunch @ 1:00 pm. Meeting @ 2:00 pm. Guest Bill Weber guest speaker.

May 19 Friday Luncheon @ Greenwood Baptist Church @ 12:00 noon. Class A dress or suitable attire.

May 24 “Tell America” program @ Skyline H.S. Front Royal 8:00 am. Class A Uniform.

May 27 11:00-11:30 Veterans Memorial Ceremony at the Stephens City Schoolhouse.

May 27 Stephens City 25th Annual Newtown Heritage Festival Parade. Gather @ Lantz parking lot @ 12:00 noon. Class A uniform.

May 29  Shenandoah National Park Memorial Day Service @ 10:00 am.

May 29 DC National Memorial Day Parade @ 2:00 pm.

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