The Official Newsletter of the
Shenandoah Valley Chapter #313
Korean War Veterans Association
Volume 10, Issue 5
Paul E. Bombardier, Editor
May, 2017
We were invited to attend the annual Mercer Middle School “Living History” Day on Wednesday, April 19, 2017 beginning at 9 am. Nine KWVA Chapter 313 members attended this function and held classroom discussions on the Korea War and its people with students in this school.

Photo by Apal Uphdyaya, student guide.
Members included: Narce Caliva, Lew Ewing, John “Jack” Keep, Charles Hoak, Paul Bombardier, David Clark, David Mills, Paul Campbell, and Josh Morimoto. David Mills fought in Korean War with the 3rd Infantry Division and was a Korean War POW. His wife, Shirley Mills was also present with our group.
The School provided us with a breakfast hosted by Student Guides and both History Teachers and Librarians. They then had three consecutive 45 minute sessions in each classroom with presentations by our Korean War and Korean Defense members as well as presentations of other war veterans in other classrooms. The school provided us lunch with our Guides, History Teachers, and Librarians. Select members volunteered after lunch to do taped audio-visual interviews with questions asked by two students. Audio-visual interviews will be uploaded to the Library of Congress by the Mercer Middle School Librarians. We were all given Thank You Cards by our hosts and hostesses.
--------Tell America Update--------
Warren County, VA. M. S. 04-24-2017

Josh Morimoto
A “Tell America” program was held at the Warren County middle school in Front Royal, VA. Three members of our Chapter attended this event.
The students were briefed on the object of these programs to remind all of occurrences in Korea beginning in June of 1950, and continuing to this day.

Members attending were Joshua Mori-moto, David Clark and Maynard Wilson.

David Clark addressing the student gathering at Warren County Middle School.