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The Official Newsletter of the
Shenandoah Valley Chapter #313
Korean War Veterans Association
Paul E. Bombardier,   Editor
July, 2017

 Commander Ray Ewing

It is hard to believe the “new year” is half over.  It doesn’t seem possible that it was six months ago that I wrote the first of these comments.  “Tempus Fugit”. It has been a very busy six months with a whirlwind of events and 

activities keeping a number of members con-stantly on the move. There is truth in the old saying “time flies when you are having fun”. We have a bit of a letup during the summer months, however don’t forget to mark the calendars for the 4th of July events and the picnic on July the 23nd.  I believe we have had a great year so far and I look forward for just as good second half.

Preparations for the coming year which we must soon start may be challenging. Two old hands in terms tenure of office has already announced they will not be a candidate for their positions next year.  They are Jack Kronenberger, Treasurer and Fred Haymaker, Quartermaster. They both have served the Chapter long and faithfully and we all owe them a debt of gratitude. There is no denying both offices are important, demanding, time consuming and vital to the operation of the Chapter.

 The Nominations Committee of course is tasked with presenting a slate of candidates to fill all positions. Many of you are fully capable of handling these or any other offices in the chapter and I am asking you to consider taking one of these positions when asked. I am sure both Fred and Jack would be willing to help in the transition. I have all the faith in the world in our membership, I am convinced that someone will step up to the plate.

Enjoy the summer.

Remember !!! Save the Date: July 23rd.

CHAPTER PICNIC @ Jim Barnett Park


      Continuing Project      

      More Bios Needed.

 Charles Hoak is the chair of this project.  He will be able to give any assistance to you that may be required. Your help is requested.

     BIOS Needed.    Not many received to date. Handwritten are acceptable. We can type them up for you. He will be able to give any assistance to you that may be required.  His address is 350 Longview Lane, Winchester, VA 22602, phone number is (540)-665-0828, and email is

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